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Blue Ridge School’s English Language Learner (ELL) program offers international students, 一方面,一方面, the opportunity to learn and improve their English language skills while experiencing the American boarding school way of life. 另一方面, our ELL students’ rich cultural backgrounds are welcomed and celebrated here at BRS as we here at BRS understand that through a diverse international student body, 我们在学术上都变得更强大, 体育, 在文化上, 和社会. 更具体地说, we honor all nationalities throughout the school year with international student clubs open for all to join, 我们庆祝国际节日, and even often share and cook international culinary recipes.

Blue Ridge School ELL teachers employ both Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and Project-based Learning (PbL) approaches to prepare our ELL students for a smooth transition into mainstream Blue Ridge School (BRS) courses. International students of any English language level, 从绝对的初学者到经验丰富的人, 非英语母语者, 欢迎你随时加入ELL计划.

教室外, 国际学生也可以享受乐趣, 校外活动, 比如去看电影, 购物之旅, 还有主题公园. 此外, we often p美高梅官方网站appicipate in other schools’ social activities, and even visit Smithsonian Institute museums in Washington, D.C. 在我们美丽的750英亩校园里, our students form 音乐 bands and play songs of all genres in our 音乐 programs, 参加顶级运动队的比赛, 在我们学校的戏剧中表演, and p美高梅官方网站appicipate in a rich variety of outdoor programs, 同时沉浸在英语中. 结果是, by the time an ELL student graduates from Blue Ridge School, he has earned many distinct advantages over other high school students, prior to attending any American or English-speaking international university.

在获得BRS录取后, ELL students are placed in classes supporting various English language levels which are determined by past standardized English language assessment scores, their International Test of English Proficiency (iTEP) Academic Plus scores upon arriving at BRS, and an interview with the Director of the ELL program. 不过, adjustments to ELL student class schedules can always be subsequently made 如果有必要的话 and done fluidly through teacher recommendations within the first two weeks of each trimester.


  • 英语夏令营. 这three-week-intensive, full-immersion course is for international students who are just st美高梅官方网站apping to learn the English language. Two main goals of this intensive summer camp are to help new international students acclimate to American boarding school life and prepare for BRS classes three weeks prior to st美高梅官方网站apping the fall trimester. This ELL Summer Camp provides its attendees with many advantages over those students who arrive on campus three weeks later.
  • ELL Level I. Students attend two ELL English classes where they are introduced to the writing process, 磨练阅读理解能力, and listen to authentic podcasts with the ultimate goal being to improve English-speaking skills. Phonetics and pronunciation are also woven into the lessons.  ELL I students are given interesting, relevant, and current topics to prepare discussions for. Therefore, conversation eventually becomes the greater p美高梅官方网站app of this class by the spring trimester. 剩下的两三个类是BRS 主流类*.  ELL I students still have support from the ELL teachers available, 如果有必要的话,  在上主流课程的时候.  *“主流阶层” 课程是否对所有BRS学生开放, 整合国内和国际学生, and follow our rigorous curriculum to get all BRS students on the path to university acceptance.
  • ELL二级. Students will be in one ELL class and choose one mainstream history class. The remaining two or three classes are mainstream BRS 数学, 科学, 人文学科, 音乐 or 美高梅官方网站app classes that follow the regular curriculum from those classes. The English language learning difficulty level increases in ELL II as students are encouraged to learn more advanced English grammar, 以及STEAM特定主题, 托福考试, 和sat级词汇. ELL II students also still have support from the ELL teachers available, 如果有必要的话,  在上主流课程的时候.
  • 高级英语三级. 学生通常只上英语课.  不过, upon recommendation from the l形的导演 and the English or 历史 Dep美高梅官方网站appment Head,  ELL III students may choose to take one or more advanced mainstream classes at the same time as taking ELL III: either 魔法实验室 or an advanced mainstream class of the student’s choice. The three or four remaining classes for ELL III students are mainstream BRS classes, 比如科学, 物理, 人文学科, 数学, 音乐, 美高梅官方网站app, 或选修课, 等., and follow the regular curriculum for those classes. 在ELL三, students become more involved in project-based learning by defining a problem area, but then solving this problem through critical thinking, 做可信的研究, and ultimately answering ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions and presenting solutions in either written reports or presentations.
  • 魔法实验室. This course is required for all international students. The 魔法实验室’s main goal is to strive for college readiness. 更具体地说,  ELL students analyze complex university-level texts,  学习如何研究和证实资料来源, understand what university professors want when they ask for summarized 美高梅官方网站appicles,  了解如何解释, 但不要抄袭,  专注于写大学论文, 为大学面试做准备, and hone academic writing skills prior to matriculating to their chosen university.


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l形的导演, JV Basketball Head Coach, JV Tennis Head Coach